General Information
Q: What is Angry Birds Big Adventure?
A: Angry Birds Big Adventure is a fangame made by Birdhouse. Big Adventure is a 2.5D slingshot game in the gameplay style of both Angry Birds Classic and Angry Birds 2. The game features a roster of both returning characters and concepts from official Angry Birds games as well as completely new characters and mechanics made and designed by us. The game has a heavy emphasis on it's story as well as introducing a refreshing take on the Angry Birds formula.
Q: Is this project affiliated with Rovio?
A: No! Birdhouse is a FANDEV team and we make FAN content based off of Angry Birds which is fully owned by Rovio, we are not affiliated with Rovio in any way. All of our projects are completely NON-PROFIT, this is both a legal obligation AS WELL AS a personal choice.
Q: Is this a mod or a fangame?
A: Angry Birds Big Adventure is a fangame built on our own engine, it'll have it's own art, music, sound effects, voice acting, etc.
Q: Is this project related to Funky Birds?
A: No.
Q: What is Birdhouse Engine?
A: Birdhouse engine is our own in-house Angry Birds engine built in Godot! The engine focuses on making modding and the implementation of custom features and assets much easier, we plan on releasing this engine in earlier stages of it's development long before we release Angry Birds Big Adventure.
Q: Will there be other games built on the engine?
A: Yes! before we can really work on Big Adventure we'll be working on smaller games built on the engine. This is so we can familiarize ourselves with Godot and it gives us more opportunities to work with and improve the engine before we work on Big Adventure.
Q: When is Birdhouse Engine or Angry Birds Big Adventure coming out?
A: We don't have a concrete release window in mind. We want to take our time on working on the engine as well as the game.
Q: How will Big Adventure be released?
A: We will most likely post the game in the form of early access, in the sense that the game wont be fully complete when it's initially released, and will be completed with updates to come later.
Q: Can I join the Birdhouse team?
A: We're not actively looking for people to join our dev team. When we're looking for people we'll make it known, in the mean time please do not message any members of the Birdhouse team for opportunities to join the team.
Game Details
Q: Which characters in the Angry Birds franchise will show up in Big Adventure?
A: We'd like to keep this answer a secret for now. We currently plan to have a bird roster of 27* birds which you can use in levels. We also plan to have a variety of Boss characters, regular enemies in levels, npcs, etc. We may show off or confirm/disconfirm different characters either on our website or on various social platforms.
Q: Can we have a synopsis of the story?
A: No. We want to keep the story an ABSOLUTE SECRET until the game comes out.
Q: Is this project based on and/or a revival of the officially cancelled Angry Birds Big Adventure by Rovio?
A: Not really. While the original Big Adventure was a main point of inspiration, our project and its premise is WILDLY different to the original Big Adventure.
Q: Android?
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