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Well, you know, I... I'm not sure you're gonna like this, um, but... since ya asked—rather than being on me, as you suggested—this cake IS ON YOU!!! So, you wanna hear a story? I run my butt off—literally, mind you—to get the "gluten-free cake." What the heck is gluten? I mean, does gluten even exist? Who are you? Get outta here! Already? But you're the only one that's had cake!

Angry Birds: Big Adventure is a videogame


Mmm. Oh, that's good stuff. Mmm. Anybody want to eat some cake off their dad or husband? Who needs plates when you got this guy's face, right? Oh, oh, mmm! Oh, wait. I almost forgot. You know, I'm supposed to do a quick customer satisfaction survey before I—*whistle*—split, okay? So, on a scale of one to three stars, what would you say about my performance? And don't forget, the squirrel was freeeee...